Peace Haven Communities
Rent with Confidence!
Serving Second Life® Since 2006!
Why Pay More for Less?
or visit our
In-World Office
Skyhome Rentals
Starting at L$30 per week
Furnished only
Unfurnished only
Optional Furniture - Set in in room rezzers.
Environmental Skyboxes with Multiple surround and ground textures, choice of landscaping.
Please Check the individual skybox for the above options
All of our skyboxes feature:
Adult furnishings (furnished and options furnished only)
Preinstalled person security system
Dance pole, containing both couples and singles dances (not included is Skyboxes H and J)
Texture changing walls, over 50 textures to choose from!
Texture changing rugs and pictures (furnished and optional furniture only)
You Tube/Web Browser/Television
Every skybox is an original build!
Pay by the day or week
Automatic group invite upon paying, no waiting to move in!
Personal one on one support, IM us, we DO NOT use a ticket system!